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Our culturally diverse and multifaceted team is our greatest strength. Our team members grew up in various parts of the world and bring with us unique cultural perspectives on urban spaces, transportation systems, and social equity. Urban mobility and transportation safety is a personal passion for each of us and we bring our diverse experiences into our day-to-day work. We work with state, regional, and local agencies to improve mobility and safety for all users of the transportation system, especially the most vulnerable users. 

We have two senior transportation planners with a combined planning and public engagement experience of 40 years – Poorna Bhattacharya, AICP, LEED AP and Rohan Sadhai, AICP. Our Creative Design Director, Stephen Vazquez, has over 16 years of experience on transportation planning projects and helping visualize complex transportation data in a public-friendly format. Our team is supported by a Planner, Shuang Xi, with three years of experience working with FDOT and local government clients.

Poorna Bhattacharya,

Founder of ASHA Planning Consultancy Inc. with 23 years of professional experience

Poorna has focused her career on complete streets and context sensitive transportation planning projects that integrate the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motorists into one transportation system. She has experience in multimodal planning, growth management, transportation policy, transit planning, safety studies, corridor studies, and parking planning. She specializes in facilitating public and stakeholder outreach as a component of larger planning efforts. Poorna combines her background in Architecture and Urban Planning to advocate for a transportation system that is a cohesive extension of the built environment. In the last decade, she has passionately worked on bicycle and pedestrian safety initiatives and multimodal mobility efforts. Poorna is a mother of two spirited children who love riding their bikes all over the neighborhood trails and advocating for safe walking and biking to anyone that would listen.

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Rohan Sadhai, AICP

Project Manager with 24 years of professional experience

Rohan has extensive experience in providing transportation planning services to transit agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, local, regional and state governments. He has extensive experience in preparing local and regional transportation plans, transit feasibility studies, corridor planning studies with complete streets concepts, growth management plans, pedestrian and bicycle plans and landside aviation plans. Rohan has managed multiple corridor planning studies from planning to concept development for FDOT and Orange County. He has an undergraduate degree in Geography and a master’s degree in Transportation Planning. He has focused his career on integrating complex transportation and land use data into planning projects to help stakeholders make data driven decisions.

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